What is the Body in Journalism?


The body of the news story should sustain the interest that the lead of the story creates in readers. The body should be smooth and logical. It should extend all the points included in the lead and in the same order. The body should provide all the relevant information within the shortest space possible. It should also be as complete and as compact as possible.

Brevity and simplicity should be the basic principle. Do not use two words where one word can be used. Also. do not use a long word where a short word can do. The structure of the body also important and you must focus on that. You will of course gain the expertise with experience and practice. You will then start focusing on the more creative and experimental aspects of writing

A good reporter should always keep his ears and eyes open. He should know where to go for the news and facts he requires for the story. A good reporter should also recognize news when he encounters it and select the vital points for inclusion in his story. He should spend time visiting places and meeting people his potential sources of news.

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