Scammers again targeting the Paytm users. This time Scammer sent a KYC scam message to users. Paytm trying his best to educate his users to about KYC process and stop scams. According to report a woman earlier this year lost 1.4 lakh from the similar scam message
Scammers used the random sender domains such as “BIKMRT” or “BRPAY”, and the message said “your ex document has expired and the Paytm service will expire within 24 hours, unless you call them back to reactivate it on the given phone number.”
After seeing this message, if you happen to dial the given number to verify your KYC status, then the chances of you getting scammed increases.
If you dialed the number, then someone attends your call and claims himself as a customer service officer or Paytm KYC executive
He also is trying to force you to download some additional app to your mobile or desktop to virtual verification of KYC.
Be aware don’t attend of call any such number. And never download any type of App on your mobile or desktop. Because according to Paytm no Paytm customer service officer or Paytm KYC executive ever calls you to do so.
Paytm KYC can only be completed by having a face to face meeting with our agent at an authorized KYC point. Paytm will never call you and ask you to install any app.
According to Original Paytm KYC process, KYC can only be completed only at authorized KYC points or at your doorstep service by Paytm representative.
Paytm will only send SMS to fix your appointments with KYC agents or nearby KYC points
What happens if your download the app?
The scam call needs remote access to your desk or mobile. One you download the app and allow the Scammers to your desktop or mobile, then probably you will be hacked.
If you will hacked by Scammers or the hackers, then they can able to see every activity on your desk and mobile even they can also able to record your screen. And they can steal your banking information, private data, passwords etc.