Isoelectric focusing. Isoelectric focusing is a type of electrophoresis carried out in a pH gradient created in a column by mixing different buffers. ...
Ammonotelism Organism. Ammonotelic organism excretes soluble ammonia as a result of deamination. Ammonia is highly toxic to tissues and extremely soluble in ...
Formation of Ammonia. Oxidative transdeamination is the combination of three processes called transamination, deamination and oxidation. The amino acids which ...
Loop of Henle is a long, U-shaped portion of the tubule that conducts urine within each nephron of the kidney of reptiles, birds, and mammals. The liquid ...
SEX RATIO. Because of having X-, and Y- bearing gametes in equal numbers by males, sex is determined by the Y chromosomes. According to Mendel's law of ...
In genetics, a mosaic denotes the presence of two or more populations of cells with different genotypes i.e. different chromosome number in one individual who ...
Male Pseudohermaphroditism Pseudohermaphroditism, or pseudo-herrna-phroditism, is the condition in which an organism is born with secondary, sex ...
Haemostatic mechanisms like contraction of blood vessels and clotting mechanism (coagulation) help to prevent blood loss during accidents. Contraction of ...
The resolving power refers to the ability of a magnifying instrument to separate detail of two closely placed object. The resolving power of an instrument or ...
Sex limited and sex influenced traits are the result of genes on the autosomes and these are entirely different in their mode of inheritance from the ...
The major chromosomal sex determination mechanisms aXX-XY system, ZZ-ZW system, XX-XO system, ploidy level and compound chromosome system. The XX-XY ...
A gill is a respiratory organ found in many aquatic organisms that extracts dissolved oxygen from water and excretes carbon dioxide. Gills are simply layers ...