Company and Compensation Law

Inspector Appointed under the Minimum Wages Act. The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint inspectors for the ...

Fixing of minimum rates of wages: The responsibility of fixing the minimum rates of wages is that of the appropriate Government. The ...

Distinction between ESI Act, 1948 and Employees Compensation Act, 1923 ESI Act, 1948 Objectives of the Act : To provide benefits to the ...

A depository is a company which has been granted a certificate of registration under the SEBI Act, 1992, to deal in securities. In simple words, it ...

The rationale behind the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is to empower the Central Government and State Governments to fix minimum wages in ...

Under the following circumstances, an employer shall not be liable to pay any compensation. to a workman: When injury does not result in disablement for ...

The Employees State Insurance Scheme is basically a health insurance scheme. It aims at providing for cash benefits to the employees in ...

National Company Law Tribunal: Section 408 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that the Central Government shall constitute National Company Law Tribunal ...

Proxy Means  In any meeting, a member is entitled to attend and vote either in person or by proxy. So a proxy means an authority to represent and vote ...

The Standing Committee acts as an executive arm of the ESI Corporation. It administers the affairs of the ESI Corporation subject to general ...

Requisites of a Valid General Meeting:  A general meeting of the members is said to be valid when it is properly convened and duly constituted. A ...

Qualifications of Auditors: As per Sections 141 (1) & (2) only a Chartered Accountant (individual) or a firm, where majority of ...

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