Computer Basics and Pc Software

Software Evolution: Evolution of the software has been very interesting over the years. It has been taken versatile shape with variety of tasks to be ...

Algorithm: A sequential solution of any program that written in human language, is called algorithm. An algorithm is first step of the solution process, after ...

DATA CODING SYSTEM: The computer works on binary system whereas the decimal system is acceptable as the international system. In order to communicate with ...

Plug and Play specification was developed by Microsoft with cooperation from Intel and many other hardware manufacturers. The goal of Plug and Play devices is ...

Data and information need to be stored after input, during processing and before output. Computer systems accomplish the storage function by use of primary ...

There are many methods of input and output at the user interface between computer systems and end users. Lets see the main input and output devices and how ...

Internet is network of networks. These networks can be LAN, MAN or WAN. To access internet we need internet software's. The Internet can serve the user with ...

Ring Topology. The workstations are connected in a closed loop configuration. This is also known as circular topology because the nodes are connected in a ...

Star Topology. It is one of the most common network setups where each of the devices and computers on a network connect to a central hub. The hub is ...

The data transmission channels are needed for data transmission. These can be: Guided Channels or Unguided Channels. Guided Media: Guided media use a physical ...

Data Communication System: In the era of ICT we need to communicate with the outer world. In order to communicate, we have to share data and information. ...

The Open Source Development model works under collaboration of many anonymous developers and contributors. But practically, these projects are small and ...

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