The term Reconstructionism was used by John Dewey in philosophy for the first time. Then this term was used by Theodore Brameld in his book titled 'Toward a ...
Naturalism is a philosophy which did not accept the idea of God and spirit but emphasized on the nature as a source of ultimate knowledge. Naturalism emerged ...
Realism emerged because of the failure of idealist thinking to inculcate scientific temperament. Realism opined that things can be known as they really are. It ...
Jain Philosophy of Education and its Aims: Samyak Juana (Right Knowledge): Jain philosophy claims that a man is in the slavery kind of life as he is ignorant ...
Samkhya Yoga Educational Philosophy : An ancient sage whose name was Kapil Muni propounded this philosophy of education. This philosophy does not mention ...
Aims of education are a means to attain goals of life while objectives are a means to attain the aims of education. The day-to-day activities, processes and ...
Meaning of Aims in Education: Any activity that is aimless will not produce as much desirable effects as a purposeful activity will. A purposeful activity ...
The Kothari Commission (1964-66). The NPERC considered the development of Common School System to be a very vital component of the overall strategy for ...
Radhakrishnan Commission (1948-1949): The Radhakrishnan Commission had surveyed the field of secondary education in a passing manner and had admitted that ...
Cognitive Abilities. Cognitive abilities refer to the way an individual processes information and builds up a conceptual model of the world. Bloom has given ...
Education of an individual is defined as a process that results into total or overall development of an individual. Psychologists have identified three domains ...
John Dewey is a famous philosopher who in his book 'Education and Democracy' has defined education as organization or reconstruction of experiences. In his ...