Particles: Particles are present in the troposphere. They vary in number from several hundred per cubic centimeter in pure air to more than 105 per cubic ...
Hydrosphere A hydrosphere (Greek hydro means ‘water’) in physical geography described the collective mass of water found on, under, and over the ...
Hydro-logical cycle, also known as water cycle is the most important of the various cycles of the environment. It involves natural process resulting in the ...
The term ‘environment’ is viewed differently by different environmentalists. It means surroundings and is defined as the sum total of all living (abiotic) and ...
Carbon Cycle Carbon is one of the most important constituent of all organic compounds. It is the building block of life. Carbon is an essential constituent ...
Bio-distribution of Elements Biological functions of the living organisms require 27 elements of which 15 are metals. The elements required in major ...
Aquatic Pollution effects on Humans. The water is easily polluted by physical and chemical agents present in the atmosphere, microbial disease causing ...
Effects of Soaps and Detergents on Environment: Soaps, as already stated, are biodegradable. This implies that when discharged into water bodies, ...
The chemical composition of water bodies, e.g. ground water, surface water (river, lakes), oceans, etc., depends on their source. Ground Water: ...
Water Quality Parameters: No single parameter is possible to determine the quality of water. Depending on the use for which water is intended to be used, ...
The main types of water pollutants include biological agents, chemical agents and physical agents. Biological Agents: These include bacteria, ...
Fluoride: The major source of fluoride to man is drinking water. In most parts of India the fluoride content is about 0.5 mg/L. There are, however, some ...