Economic environment refers to all factors/ forces which have an economic impact either negative or positive on business organization. Industrial ...
In space, there exists huge clouds of gas and dust. These, clouds consist of hydrogen and helium, and are the birthplaces of new stars. Gravity causes these ...
Import and Export of technology is one of the form of transfer of technology, which is becomes necessary from one to other nation for many reason. The other ...
Transport has become easier with the help of computers. At airports computers are used to schedule incoming and outgoing air traffic for proper utilization of ...
Essential elements of Computer: Input Device: Input devices are meant for presenting the data and information to computers machine readable form. A ...
In olden days messages were communicated by personal contact, beating of drums and shouting into a megaphone or through traditional media like folk dramas, ...
Truly learning is a continuous process. The more we read and see the more it tends to enrich our knowledge which in turn helps to widen our mental horizon. ...
The term Grand Tour is generally used to describe a circuit of Western Europe undertaken by a wealthy social elite for culture, education and pleasure. The ...
The discovery of microbes hag helped to prevention and eradication of various diseases, bacteria was also discovered which caused diseases. Mosquitoes were ...
Microbes enter our body through the natural Openings in our body like mouth, lose, urinary and reproductive passages. Contaminated air, water and food can ...
Germs enter our body through different mediums like air, contaminated food and water, insects and other' carriers. Some of these diseases are: Air-borne ...
Anemia: The deficiency of iron results in this disease. A person suffering from anemia larks adequate percentage of hemoglobin or adequate number of red cells. ...