International Business Environment

The Indian Contract Act is the most important part of Mercantile Law. It affects every person, as every one enters into various types of contracts in the daily ...

Wagering Agreement: Section 30 only says that agreements by way of wager are void. The section does not define wager . According to William Anson, wager is a ...

Doctrine of Frustration of Contract: "Frustration" means occurrence of an intervening event or change of circumstances so fundamental as to be regarded by the ...

Objectives of International Monetary Fund (IMF). Objectives of the IMF are stated in Article 1 of the fund agreement as follows: To promote international ...

The major commodities agreements are: International Natural Rubber Agreement. International Sugar Agreement. International Tin Agreement. ...

International trade in commodities has been facing the problem of instability of prices from the very beginning. Many, economists have been suggesting a number ...

Rationale of Regional Economic Groupings: Large Size of Market: If the national market is inadequate due to the small population and/or low income, it would ...

Transnational Corporations (TNCs) act as vehicles for transfer of technology. The developing economies are technologically backward and lack sufficient ...

Broadly, the various mechanisms of transfer of technology may be grouped into two: Equity form of technology transfer. Non-equity form of technology ...

The trends in technology transfer: Trade in technology has expanded tremendously because of growing importance of up-to-date modern technology. The number of ...

Transfer of technology refers to transfer of physical goods i.e. capital goods and transfer of tacit knowledge i.e. way of producting goods or establishing ...

The Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) Operations for the Host Country and the Investing Country: Advantages to Host ...

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