International Marketing Management

Branding strategies refer to the pattern of actions to be taken by the firm to brand its products. Following are some important Advantages and Disadvantages of ...

Packing and Packaging. Packing refers to the external protective covering used for the safe transportation of the goods to the importer. Packing means the ...

Difference between Standardization and Adaptation. Standardization means the offering of identical product lines at identical prices through identical ...

Licensing: Licensing is one of the way for firm to establish local production in foreign markets without capital investment. It differs from contract ...

Exporting mainly be of two types: Direct exporting and Indirect exporting. Direct exporting: Direct exporting means sale of goods abroad without ...

Classical theory known as Ricardian theory of comparative advantage states that two countries should trade in order to increase their national welfare as long ...

Rybczynski theory of trade states that if the supply of a factor rises and the terms of trade remain constant, the output of the product intensively using that ...

An international marketer should be familiar with the Social and Cultural Conditions of the host country. Following are the main elements of social and ...

List of various steps involved in the process of international market selection are: Defining the market.Market segmentation.Determining the markets to be ...

International Market Segmentation. International market segmentation refers to the process of dividing its total international market into one or more parts ...

It is right to say that global positioning is most effective for product categories that approach either end of "high touch/high tech continuum". Both ends of ...

The importance of Market Segmentation in Marketing Decisions as under: Adjustment of product and marketing appeals: Market segmentation presents an opportunity ...

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