In a knowledge driven era of highly specialized experts, businesses that can share and multiply that expertise the fastest will win the race. As the world ...
Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory, which can speed up CPU. It acts as a buffer between the CPU and main memory. It is used to hold those ...
Banking: Today, Banking is almost totally dependent on computer.Banks provide following facilities: Banks on-line accounting facility, which includes ...
Mainframe computers were originally housed in large cases or frames, giving them the mainframe name, according to IBM. Mainframes were housed in large ...
Difference between impact printer and non-impact printer regarding to their features: Descriptions Impact printer: Produces text and images when tiny wire ...
Challenges for Human Resource Management (HRM). From the Industrial Age to the Information Age: Work performed in factories by machines is being replaced ...
The guidelines for better Human Resource Management (HRM) are: HRM aims to ensure that people with the right skills and abilities are available in ...
The discovery of microbes hag helped to prevention and eradication of various diseases, bacteria was also discovered which caused diseases. Mosquitoes were ...
Microbes enter our body through the natural Openings in our body like mouth, lose, urinary and reproductive passages. Contaminated air, water and food can ...
Germs enter our body through different mediums like air, contaminated food and water, insects and other' carriers. Some of these diseases are: Air-borne ...
Tourism may be defined as a significant social phenomena, involves a temporary break with normal routine to engage with experiences that contrast with every ...
Interest on Debentures: Interest on debentures is a charge against profit and as such it is debited to Profit and Loss Account. While paying the interest on ...