Database Life Cycle The database too must be subject to constant evaluation, which is known as database life cycle (DBLC). Database manages data and ...
Section 2(70) define the term prospectus in these word, a prospectus mean any document described or issued as prospectus and includes a red-herring prospectus ...
A depository is a company which has been granted a certificate of registration under the SEBI Act, 1992, to deal in securities. In simple words, it ...
Transmission of Shares: Transmission of shares means transfer of shares on account of operation of law. Transmission of shares takes place in case of ...
The data model is the abstraction of the real world events by which we create, capture and save the data in the database that are required by the user ...
List of various Tests of Adequacy of Index Number Formula Are: Unit TestTime Reversal TestFactor Reversal TestCircular Test Unit Test: This test ...
Requisites of a good average are as follows: It should be simple to compute.It should be easy to understand.It should be rigidly defined.It should be ...
Misleading Prospectus: A prospectus constitutes the basis of the contract between the company and the shareholders and therefore, it must disclose all ...
Deflating: One of the most useful application of price indices is to adjust series of rupee figures for changes in level of prices. This is known as ...
Woman Director: Section 149 (1) provides that such class of companies, as may be prescribed, shall have at least one woman director. As per Section 149 (2), ...
There are two types of measures of dispersion: Absolute measures of dispersionRelative measures of dispersion. Absolute measures of dispersion: ...
Problems in the Construction of Index Numbers: Selecting the purpose of the index number: There cannot be any all-purpose index. For example, if an ...