Indian Administrative Structure. In public administration, the Chief Executive performs various legislative, executive and judicial functions in various ...
Go swami Committee Recommendations. During the phase of liberalization initiated in 1991, it was felt essential to take some preventive steps to check ...
The word aufbau in German means building up. The building up of orbitals means the filling up of orbitals with electrons. The principle states that in the ...
Attitude Change Theory: The research work of researchers led by Carl Hovland was recognized as attitude change theory. The chief contributors to this ...
The main features of democratic decentralization in India, is to make constructive contributions to improvements in governance. Several issues arise here. ...
Important Features of the Indian Federal system In India each state has its own government a legislature, executive and judiciary. At the central level ...
According to Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, An agreement enforceable by law is a contract. A contract, therefore, is an agreement the object of ...
Fantasy with Displacement. Fantasy is a way of getting away from the realities of life into the world of dreams where things appear as we want them to be. ...
Default and Repossession in Hire Purchase: Where the buyer makes default in the payment of any installment the vendor has a right to repossess the ...
Photoelectric Effect Certain metals emit electrons from their surface when light shines on them. Active metals, such as potassium and calcium, emit ...
Dependent Branch: When the policies and administration of a branch are totally controlled by the head office, who also maintains its accounts, the ...
Ascertainment of Profit under Single Entry System. The Profit/ Loss in case of Single Entry System can be ascertained by the following two ...