
Mass communication is spreading messages to extended mass audience using fastest means of reproduction and distribution which is relatively an inexpensive ...

There are many different types of telecommunications networks. However, from an end users point of view, there are two basic types: wide area and local area ...

The major and important objectives of the public sector are: Acceleration of Economic Growth and Industrialization: In a developing country, like India, some ...

Output, total assets, fixed capital and employment are some of the major criteria to measure size of the industrial units. An important structural change of ...

Level of aspiration refers to where and how far individuals set their targets for achievement. It is a complex phenomenon and is determined largely by our past ...

Transnational Corporations (TNCs) act as vehicles for transfer of technology. The developing economies are technologically backward and lack sufficient ...

Broadly, the various mechanisms of transfer of technology may be grouped into two: Equity form of technology transfer. Non-equity form of technology ...

The trends in technology transfer: Trade in technology has expanded tremendously because of growing importance of up-to-date modern technology. The number of ...

Transfer of technology refers to transfer of physical goods i.e. capital goods and transfer of tacit knowledge i.e. way of producting goods or establishing ...

Advertising is playing an important role in the international marketing process. According to Keegan there are following reasons for international ...

Evolution of Central Secretariat: What was earlier known as the office of the Governor General in British India has over the last two hundred years grown into ...

The Constitution of India is so lengthy because the Constitution makers strived to make a perfect Constitution. They borrowed many salient features from the ...

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