Political Science

The question of state interference in the family came into the forefront in the context of women liberation movement in Europe and America during 1960's and ...

Protective Discrimination: In the contemporary debates about equality, we do not talk of legal equality only in the sense of equality of opportunity but also ...

Politics is the activities of the political parties and it is not surprising if his observations are often accompanied by such statement that 'Politics is a ...

Nature and Significance of Political Theory. Political theory is a body of knowledge related to the phenomenon of the state. While theory refers to a ...

Power's concept of politics. The power theory takes a functional view of politics. It understands politics as the struggle for power and to share power, it ...

Aristotle developed the idea of citizenship and restored the problem of citizenship to the center of political discussion. Citizenship has'been a persistent ...

Gandhi's analysis of the term Swaraj. Gandhi was concerned with distinguishing between the full moral meaning of freedom and the narrow negative meaning of ...

IDifferent ideologies have produced radically different theories of justice. Justice is a kind of ultimate concept, a value to which either other, values are ...

Political Theory refers to a systematic knowledge, political refers to matters of public concern. Thus, at the most general level, political theory as a ...

According to Marshall, citizenship is a principle of equality and its development is linear. He said that citizenship has two basis, (1) man has equal status ...

Locke assumed that property was widespread and in the state of nature in the sense that everybody had a right to draw subsistence from what ever was offered to ...

Democracy is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Macpherson, democracy is merely a mechanism for choosing and authorizing governments ...

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