When you are looking to communicate the news to the media, you must assess to the various choice of media. whether your story is suitable for coverage by more ...
Keeping in view the message and the receiver, a public relations practitioner, has to use a medium to reach the audience. Compared to the advertising media, ...
Media Relations: Media relations mean a positive effort towards maintaining a good rapport with the media person, in the press and electronic media and ...
House Journal: A house journal is a selective media and we can identify the audience who received it or not. The target audience is identifiable in this ...
List of Role of Public Relations in Private Sector: In every organization, a PRO plays more or less similar role. The difference if any will be because of ...
Public relations in the Public Sector. The public sector units in the country have a negative image. They are considered as under-utilized in capacity, over ...
International Public Relations Associations (IPRA): Set up in May 1955, the IPRA is a world-wide professional organization dedicated to the highest standards ...
Public Relations Society of India (PRSI) Formation In 1958, the concept of a national professional association was visualized, but formally the PRSI was ...
Growth of Public Relations In India. As a modern concept, the Public Relations in India developed with industrial development and introduction of modern ...
Origin of Public Relations. Man has a long history and a concept like Public Relations must have been there in the past that is not known. But the modern ...
Budgeting in the PR refers to setting up the costs for the campaign. Budgeting in the PR incorporates costs for all the PR activities that are to be carried ...
Advisory and Counselling role of Public Relations (PR). In an organization, the PR personnel are the eyes and ears of the policy-makers. They play an important ...