Describe the main teachings of Jainism.

According to Jain philosophy there are twenty-four great circles of time. In each of these circles one great thinker has come to the world. These thinkers are called Tirthankaras or teachers or ford makers by the followers of Jainism. Bhagvan Mahavira is considered as 24th Tirthankara.

Teachings of Jainism: The teachings of Jainism are –

  • Ahimsa: Non injury to any living being.
  • Sunrta: Not to speak untruth.
  • Artuja: Not to take what is not given.
  • Aparigraha: Not to be attached to worldly possessions.
  • Brahmcharya: Chastity.

According to Jainism karma or action binds the self to the body. Ignorance of truth causes the rise of passions. The passions which are anger, greed, pride and maya are harmful to karma. Thus by the practice of right knowledge, right faiths and right conduct one can liberate from bondage and nirvana can be achieved.

The general code of conduct for Jains include:
  • Non-violence,
  • Truthfulness,
  • Charity,
  • Cultivating right state of mind,
  • Regularly practicing meditation,
  • Fasting on the eighth and fourteenth days of moon working and working period,
  • Not to touch intoxicants, and
  • Recitation of scriptures and mantras.

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