Distinguish between Capital Redemption Reserve (CRR) and Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR).
Distinguish between CRR and DRR
Capital Redemption Reserve (CRR)
Legal Provision Applicable: Section 80 of Companies Act.
When to be created: It is created when the redeem able preference shares are redeemed out of divisible profits.
How much to be created: It is created equal to the nominal value of preference shares redeemed out of divisible profits.
Utilization: Roan be utilized only for issuing fully bond bonus shares.
Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR)
Legal Provision Applicable: Section 117C of Companies Act.
When to be created: It is created before the cornmencernent of redemption of redeemable debentures.
How much to be created: It is created by transferring an adequate profit as per Sec. 117(C) or an amount equivalent to 50% of the amount of debenture issue as per SEBI Guideline.
Utilization: It can be utilized like a free reserve for purposes like payment of dividend issue of bonus shares, etc.