Simon’s Ideas on Administrative Behavior.
Evaluation of Simon’s ideas on administrative behaviour: Simon’s theory of decision making has been criticized by a number of scholars.
Firstly, the critics contend that although the decision making process is an important variable in the organizational situation it alone is not enough to explain the totality of the organizational picture. So that it is a process involving emotional as well as rational dimensions.
Secondly, they have criticized that Simon gives more importance to the role of decision making and neglects the role of society, political, economic and cultural factors in analyzing administrative behaviour.
Thirdly, Simon’s concept of efficiency is also subjected to frequent criticism. Simon’s view that efficiency is the most important goal of administrative organization, but it is criticized by the scholars. They point out that satisfaction of various interest, the production of goods and services, mobilizing resources and using the most rational techniques are equally important objectives.
Fourthly, it is objected that Simon’s rational decision making model remain an unattainable ideal in the real world. In the practical world of administration, search processes may not be feasible as there is a demand for immediate decision and action.
Fifthly, Simon’s fact value dichotomy is criticized by the scholars. They are of the opinion that the idea of fact based administrative theory of Simon is more relevant to business administration than to public administration.
Sixthly, Simon gives much importance to the rationality in decision making. But the critics argue that decision making is process which involves both rational and non rational dimensions. Simon fails to recognize the role of intuition, tradition and faith in decision making as his theory using the concept of satisfaction.
Further Simon’s theory is criticized by the general as it provide the framework and not supply adequate detail, to guide organization planner.