Explain the Organization of Education during the Muslim period in India.

The Education system during Muslim period in India:

From early on, Islam emphasized two types of knowledge, revealed and earthly, i.e. revealed knowledge that comes straight from God and earthly knowledge that is to be discovered by human beings themselves. Islam considers both to be of vital importance and directs its followers, both men and women, to go and seek knowledge.

For Muslims, the Koran is the perfect word of God, sacred and therefore cannot be changed. It should be memorized from start to finish. Once a person has memorized it, he/she must reflect on these verses and have a detailed understanding of its meaning and interpretation over the lifetime. A person who has mastered it would carry the knowledge of Islam in his/her heart and spread the word to the ones who encounter him/her.

According to Islam, seeking earthly knowledge is also important because earthly knowledge compliments the knowledge revealed by God in the Koran and helps Muslims to live productive and good lives in this world.

The Koranic school or Maktab is a place where Muslim children go to read and recite the Koran only. Koranic schools can function in the mosque, under a tree, in the house of the Koran teacher or under an open sky. The term Madrassa is usually used for a bit more organized institutions with classrooms and teachers for different levels.

Many Madrassas have boarding and lodging facilities for students that are offered free of charge. In addition, whereas as Koranic school is usually a place for lower level of religious education (the recitation and pronunciation of the Koran), Madrassa is where more in depth religious education is provided.

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