Hong Kong crisis united the world against China

Nations around the world have started a front against China on the pretext of the National Security Act enacted by China at Hong Kong.
Both Australia and Canada have canceled many alliances with China. The U.K banned Chinese company Huawei from Britain’s 5G network.
Though U.K. Cited the safety reasons behind the eviction of Huawei from Britain. However, Britain can be Thought to be mad Because of this deception by China in Hong Kong.
Actually, Hong Kong was once subordinate to Britain. Throughout the period of imperialism and in 1997 Britain gave independence to Hong Kong. During independence, there was agreement between Britain and China. Which, China would give Hong Kong autonomy for the next 50 years.
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As a result of this autonomy, people in Hong Kong had the liberty of speech apart from Internet freedom. In addition to this, the people of Hong Kong also had the center of an independent judiciary. But afterwards China imposed the National Security Act on Hong Kong, these rights are removed from those of Hong Kong. The legislation came into force from 1 July, as in 1997 Britain granted freedom to Hong Kong to exactly the identical day.
Britain is currently calling this National Security Act a breach of the 1997 agreement under which Hong Kong people have been granted autonomy for 50 decades.
China has clarified its position in this instance saying that the National Security Act implemented in Hong Kong is an internal matter of China, and this law is in the interest of the people of Hong Kong.
All of China’s media, such as Global Time, are refusing to interfere with third parties by calling law enacted in Hong Kong an internal issue of China.
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China was the target of many countries due to China’s hooliganism in South China-C, the atrocities on Uygar Muslims in China and incorrect exchange policies of China. But the National Security Act executed in Hong Kong caused this rage towards China.
The US initially took the initiative in this issue and imposed visa restrictions to the employees of Chinese company Huawei. It had been declared by the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo himself. With this, the U.K. Has also opened a front from Chinese firms, assaulting China.
The UK is also seeking to enforce restrictions on other imports from China as its second step. Not just Britain, Australia and Canada against China.However, the European Union can also quit exports to Hong Kong next week. Exports to Hong Kong from European nations are about the defense industry. These states also see Hong Kong as a portion of Main Land China.