
Agriculture in different zones are treated differently as the conditions and the requirements of these areas are different. Let us see how the agriculture in ...

Modern agriculture require various technologies which is leading to the depletion of energy resources. There is a fear that the nonrenewable resources which ...

Biotechnology has been discovered to meet the growing food demand of the ever increasing population. Biological systems or their products are used in large ...

The quality of food that we intake makes a difference in our appearance, activity, behavior and in the quality of life. Diseases can be caused because of the ...

Balanced Nutritious Diet. Our body needs food produce the energy required for both the internal and the external activities. Thus food acts as a fuel for ...

There is a need to carefully plan and manage these resources so that these do not get totally exhausted. Land Use Planning and Management: Proper concern ...

In India, about 20,000 plant species exist, of these many are cultivated in India. These include cotton, jute, spinach, spices, etc. when it comes to animals, ...

Fertilizers play an important role in the growth of the crops. Following points are kept in mind while using the fertilizers: The need of the crop tells the ...

Milk: Presently we have half a million good dairy cows and 25 million buffaloes that yield 1000-1500 liters of milk per lactation. Cross-breeds yielding ...

The structure of insulin consists of two short polypeptide chains chain A and chain B linked together by disulphide bridges. In mammals, including human ...

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