Graduation Programs

World Bank: It is a bank in the sense that it does lend money on interest. However, it is in no other way like a normal bank. In fact, the bank is one of the ...

Import and Export of technology is one of the form of transfer of technology, which is becomes necessary from one to other nation for many reason. The other ...

List of Important Features of Urban Life: By virtue of its size and population: The city cannot be a primary group. The inhabitants of a city do not ...

The forms and functions of family have undergone adaptive changes in the urban communities. One way to characterize this change is to associate conjugal or ...

A contract of insurance is a contract of indemnity and indemnity only: Indemnity is somewhat similar to compensation. Its main purpose is to compensate the ...

THE NEWS VALUES MEAN IN JOURNALISM: The value of news depends on the community (readers and audience). It also depends on the country where it is being ...

THE MEANING OF BODY IN JOURNALISM: The body of the news story should sustain the interest that the lead of the story creates in readers. The body should be ...

List of various Types of Reporting: Based on the topics and nature of news, there are different types of reporting such as objective, interpretative, ...

Objective Reporting: Reporting should be an impersonal job. A reporter should essentially be a story teller. He should tell the story in an objective and ...

National Income at Constant Prices: When goods and services produced in an accounting year are valued at the base year prices, it is called national income ...

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