Ma Education

The Main Objectives and Task's of Education During the Seventh Five Year Plan. To pay special attention to the education of the backward sections. To ...

In the fifth five year plan more emphasis was given to qualitative development and to effecting coordination between the different stages. The main objectives ...

The Fourth Five Year Plan and Education. In the fourth five year plan government has provided 1260 crore for the education which is the two and a half times ...

Third Five Year Plan of Indian Education System. In the field of general education, as distinguished from technical education, the main emphasis in the Third ...

Second Five Year Plan. Under the first five year there has been a great deal of examination of the pattern of education, and on several issues the opinion of ...

India's First Five Year Plan attempts have been made to remodel the system, in such a way as to suit country needs better. The Planning Commission of India ...

The Kothari Commission (1964-66). The NPERC considered the development of Common School System to be a very vital component of the overall strategy for ...

Radhakrishnan Commission (1948-1949): The Radhakrishnan Commission had surveyed the field of secondary education in a passing manner and had admitted that ...

Constitutional Provisions: The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, reflecting the underlying and unifying values of society. It spells out the ...

Buddhist System of Education. The Buddhist education has following features: Abilities of the Student: Under the Buddhist education began at the age of 8. ...

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