Ma Psychology

There can be many hazards holding the healthy development of the infants. The physical hazards that can hamper the growth and development of the infant are as ...

An effective solution of a problem is dependent upon a number of factors. These include: Nature of the problem: A mathematical problem is a procedure, which ...

The Investment Theory of Creativity by Sternberg, creativity has six sources that require confluence: Intelligence, Knowledge, Style of thinking, ...

According to Abraham Maslow, human actions are motivated in order achieve certain needs. His concept of a hierarchy of needs suggests that people are motivated ...

Humanistic psychologists try to see people's lives as those people would see them. They tend to have an optimistic perspective on human nature. They focus on ...

There are a series of universal features that characterize patterns of Life Span Development or growth and development. These characteristics help us predict ...

The Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous and Successive (PASS) theory of intelligence, was developed by Das, Nagliery and Kirby (1994). PASS theory is ...

B.F. Skinner is famous for his research on operant conditioning. He found that behaviour did not depend on the preceding stimulus as Watson and Pavlov ...

The Spearman's two-factor theory defines critical thinking skills as a combined effect of cognitive abilities and personality dispositions. Although the ...

Ivan Pavlov suggested that differences in personality are because of the learning and different environmental experiences. Based on his observations after ...

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