What is difference between in Inter and Intra generational Social Mobility?
Inter-generational Social Mobility.
Time factor is an important element in social mobility. On the basis of the time factor involved in social mobility there is another type of inter-generational mobility. It is a change in status from that which a child began within the parents, household to that of the child upon reaching adulthood. It refers to a change in the status of family members. one generation to the next. For example, a farmer’s son becoming an officer.
It is important because the amount of this mobility in a society tells us to what extent inequalities are passed on from one generation to the next. If there is very little inter-generational mobility, inequality is clearly deeply built into the society for people life chances are being determined at the moment of birth. When there is a mobility people are clearly able to achieve new statuses through their own efforts, regardless of the circumstances of their birth.
Intra-generational Mobility.
Mobility taking place in personal terms within the lifespan of the same person is called intra-generational mobility. It refers to the advancement in one’s social level during the course of one’s lifetime. It may also be understood as a change in social status which occurs within a person’s adult career. For example a person working as a supervisor in a factory becoming its assistant manager after getting promotion.