Responsibility – Types of Responsibility. Authority Vs. Responsibility

Responsibility is the power of a particular private code of morals to control the conduct of the individuals in the presence of strong contrary desires or impulses. It is the obligation to carry out duties.
Responsibility and authority are closely interlinked. It is determined by a complex set of moral, legal, technical, professional and institutional codes which always regulate the working of an organization.
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Types of Responsibility.
Responsibility or any obligation of duty are of three types. In the first place is the political responsibility which implies the obligation and duty of the ministerial rank to deliver their functions with care, because it directly affects the masses of the nation.
Policy-making and its execution is the political responsibility of chief executive, for which there are legislative, executive and judicial control system too along with the cooperation of the bureaucracy and officials.
Secondly, institutional responsibility is the again goal, commitment by the public institution or organization for the achievement of efficiency within the structure and service to the people.
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Thirdly, professional responsibility means ethical commitment by different professionals of the society who enter in public services must take care of their values, goals and responsibilities towards society.
Authority and Responsibility.
The exercise of power is legitimate because of the occupation of the formal position by the superior using commands.
Hence authority is the attribute of position and not of persons. It is a facility or a resource given to a role incumbent to help him discharge the responsibility entrusted to him.
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Thus, authority and responsibility are not only interlinked but equal in equation like rights and duties, liberty and equality.
The platform of position (authority) should supplement and correspond to the in-charge persons for dispensing responsibility. This will better the performance of the organization to deliver goods to the public.